Publisher : Felix Lättman - Edvin Blennie Lättman - Richard Humphreys
Course Language : English
This is Day 3 in the 6-day-to-Swedish course.
Make sure you have gone through our previous two courses that build up to this one:
Swedish Made Easy: Comfortable Swedish in 6 Days - Day 1 and 2.
The course instructor, Felix Lattman, teaches Chinese with more than 30.000 students online.
He believes learning a language should not have to take longer than a
week. Therefore, he scripted a Swedish course, selected one candidate to
learn 1-on-1 with him and 30 hours Shien from Canada was able to completely speak Swedish in the lessons and had started writing and reading with comfortably.
Follow Shien as she learns everything from A-->Z, Hello-->Political arguments. Once she speaks fluent Swedish you'll be able to do the same too!
Upon finishing day 6 you can take the SWEDEX test. This will give you an official certificate of your Swedish proficiency and you will be able to use to when you find work using your Swedish skill. Note however, that this course is created to make you independent in the Swedish language and not to study for a single test so I recommend you practice for the test as well when you're done with day 6.
If you haven't done Day 1 or 2 yet, go back and sign up and I'll see you back here (you can find Day 1 on Felix's profile. It's completely free).
"Day 1" gave you the basics and "Day 2" gave you important vocab, in "Day 3" we'll start making sentences and start speaking Swedish.
Once you've finished the entire course you'll get a free lesson with Felix and (if interested) we'll record a video together that shows your progression.
See you in Day 3!