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2024 Leadership Mastery: Modern Leaders' Practical Training
Boost leadership with a tailored masterclass. Learn strategies for effective leadership in today's fast-paced world.
5 2
business business
Windows Command Mastery for Ethical Hackers
Command-line expertise for ethical hacking success in Windows environments.
27 20
ethical-hacking ethical-hacking
5G Communication System Using Matlab
A step by step the Matlab codes for capacity, BER, and outage probability estimations for NOMA communication system
30 22
matlab matlab
Secure the world
23 14
ethical-hacking ethical-hacking
Secure the world
14 12
ethical-hacking ethical-hacking
Age Old Wisdom of Ayurveda on 4 Pillars of Wellness-Diet,Exercise,Sleep & Mental Wellness with Guided Meditations
30 27
health-fitness health-fitness
Build and Expand your Creativity , become a Master Problem Solver and a Great Decision Maker with this 3 in 1 Course.
47 34
personal-development personal-development
Breakthrough Critical Thinking Strategies for Revolutionary Decision Making for Leaders, Managers, and everyone !
39 0
personal-development personal-development
Learn the Art and Science of Storytelling to influence, persuade and inspire others with step by step practical sessions
38 32
personal-development personal-development
Java Core, TDD, Streams, Lambdas, JPA/Hibernate, SQL, Build Tools, Git, Web Servers, HTML,Servlets, JSP, Spring Boot etc
132 114
java java
Learn OOP, SOLID principles with Java examples. Implement backend part for online store by the end of the course
108 87
java java
Learn design patterns and principles for Object-oriented programming to make your software scalable and easy to maintain
37 29
development-tools development-tools
Unlock the Power of UML: The Most Complete Guide with Real-Life Examples for Mastering Visual Software Design Skills.
65 53
development-tools development-tools
Learn Database Architecture, Data Modelling, MySQL, PostgreSQL with examples
153 131
sql sql
Learn JUnit 5 (JUpiter) + libraries for unit and integration testing from scratch together with test-driven development
65 55
java java