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Fitness & Fasting COMBO: Fitness Wonders Through Fasting

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Publisher : ExpertEase Education

Price : $44

Course Language : English


  • The Interest to Learn about Intermittent fasting and Well being


Whether we are talking about Physical or Mental Health, Intermittent Fasting has a positive effect that has been backed up by research and application and has been proven to work wonders for you overall wellbeing.

In this course we will learn about Intermittent Fasting from the experts in the field who have actually applied it and used it to obtain various results whether to drop pounds of fat or to enhance focus and productivity.

In this Course We will Tackle key important points that are often overlooked specially as you go about the application of Intermittent Fasting.

Nothing is more frustrating than getting results without knowing how you got them in the first place. The course will equip you with in-depth knowledge regarding the functionality of Intermittent Fasting.

We are going to explain how Intermittent Fasting Works and Why it Works along with the reasons behind the results observed. In addition , We will explain the different ways you can implement Intermittent Fasting within your Lifestyle.

If you are looking for a way to lose body fat , enhance your mood and productivity then Intermittent fasting is a great tool that will surely help you out.

Intermittent Fasting has been receiving a great feedback for it's benefits and in this course you will learn how to apply it for optimum results along with a behind the scenes explanation on how it works !

What are you waiting for ? Join the rest of the Community and See for yourself.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone looking forward to lose body fat effectively
  • Anyone trying to adopt healthy eating habits that provide great benefits