Oracle administration, Oracle SQL (Views, functions and complex queries), Oracle PL/SQL
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Curso de Django para principiantes: aprender lo básico para crear una página de aterrizaje dinámica en muy poco tiempo.
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تعلم البرمجة بلغة سويفت الاحدث من شركة أبل لبناء تطبيقات للايفون والايباد الجديد الذي يعمل تحت منظومة ios8
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Most Complete Collection of Python Exerciser and Solution. Cover from Fundamental to Algorithm and Data Analysis
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An introduction and overview of MongoDB as a NoSQL database solution.
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Create Web Applications, Create Hybrid Apps for Android & iOS,Create single page applications
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Covers the essential Wordpress installation techniques you need to create a passive income online!
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PDO ile Youtube Data Api Kullanarak Video Scripti Yapmak
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A beginner's guide to getting a website up and running using Wordpress.
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Properly step-up a WordPress blog to gain subscribers and customers!
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AWS DevOps Continuous Integration and Delivery CI/CD for NodeJS using AWS CodePipeline, AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Mocha.
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Use cutting edge tools to build fast, robust Javascript based web applications with MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node
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Learn programming from basics up to think in programming with python (Python online training )
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